Compassion trumps commercialism at shelter's Black Friday pet adoption event

Twas the morning after Thanksgiving, when all through the shelter, all the adoptable creatures were stirring at the Humane Society for Hamilton County.
For the nearly 200 cats and dogs waiting to be adopted from the packed shelter, Friday was poised to likely be their best chance. For at least the last eight years, the Hamilton County shelter has held a $5 adoption event the day after Thanksgiving – urging would-be holiday shoppers to fill their hearts, not their carts.
"On this wonderful shopping day, we're hoping you're going to fill your hearts and not your cart," said Megan Gonterman, director of operations. "Come to the shelter and adopt an animal."
Typically, adoption fees are based on the age of the animal and range from $35 to $150 for dogs and puppies and $35 to $75 for cats and kittens.
Once a year, though, they’re all just $5.
A line for, arguably, the best Black Friday deal in town stretched into the parking lot by the time the shelter opened its doors at 10 a.m. By the time adoptions closed at 5 p.m., Gonterman said she expected between 200 and 300 people to would pass through the shelter doors and close to 100 pets would go home with them.
“We are always at capacity,” she said, “so we’re hoping to be able to empty our shelter today.”
Hamilton County is a “no kill” shelter, meaning pets will stay there as long as it takes to find a home.
For Stilettos, a black and white domestic short hair cat, that’s been 16 months and counting.
“We’d love to see her go home today,” Gonterman said.
The shelter put special placards on the cages of the 10 cats and 10 dogs that have been waiting for a home the longest, trying to draw extra attention to those pets that for whatever reason – their color, age or temperament – have struggled to stand out in the crowded shelter environment.
Stilettos is shy, and stressed out by the shelter.
Gracie, the two-year-old Pit Bull mix, is nervous. And, a Pit Bull mix.
“We have a lot of pit bulls,” said Trisha Kay, the shelter’s intake coordinator. “There’s a negative stereotype, but they’re actually some of the best dogs.”
The Humane Society for Hamilton County had plenty of adoptable cats during its annual Black Friday special, where all animals are available for just a $5 adoption fee. This year's event was Friday, Nov. 24, 2017.
Shelter staff are hoping that the lower adoption fee will attract some folks who were put off by the high up-front cost or who’d been considering adoption but needed a nudge.
In previous years, the event has seen 80 to 100 pets adopted out in a single day. Gonterman said she’s hoping for another successful Black Friday, to make room for more pets. The shelter has some “waiting in the wings,” that they just haven’t had room for on the adoption floor. They also take animals from surrounding shelters that don’t have the same “no kill” policy.
Less than an hour after the doors opened, at least one cat cage was getting cleared out.
Linda Benefiel, Fishers, came in looking for a young, male cat. She wasn’t sure she’d find what she was looking for, but hoped to take home a friend for the cat she had at home, still morning the loss of a companion that was put down several months ago.
“She’s been acting like she needs a friend,” she said.
An hour later, Linda was putting in her application to take home an eight-month-old kitten.
Jasmine Brown said she’s not usually into the Black Friday shopping scene, but there she was Friday morning – standing in line outside the Hamilton County shelter a few minutes before it opened.
“I have a dog at home,” said Brown, of Indianapolis. “I feel like he needs a friend.”
About an hour later, she was waiting to meet a prospective pet.
On such a busy day, there were long lines to meet the animals and visit with adoption counselors. But the shelter calls in all its more than 40 staff members and brings in additional volunteers.
Adoptions close at 5 p.m., but Gonterman said everyone in line by then will still get a chance to take give a pet a “forever home” just in time for the holidays.