Dog’s owners horrified as alligator kills pet

“It was my sweet baby that was taken by an alligator on Saturday. I am still very horrified about the whole situation. Jim, thank you for posting this for everyone in Windsor. I left Windsor ten years ago after living there for almost six years and I rented from Dale Crider. I became too comfortable with Newnan's. Below is what I posted on Sunday and a picture of my sweet Beignet.
Yesterday afternoon my sweetest dog I've ever had was taken right in front of me and Easton by an alligator. Easton was throwing sticks in the water for Blue and Beignet to swim out and get and then a gator just popped out of nowhere and grabbed Beignet by the chest. Easton took off screaming and I ran into the water to try to grab Beignet by the collar to snatch him out of the water but he bit onto my hands so hard and then let go. I saw his terrified face pop up out of the water two more times and then I never saw my sweet baby come up again. Easton and I are completely traumatized by this.”
An alligator killed a pet dog at a lake in Florida.
According to a report by WCJB-TV, Scarlett Dent and her 8-year-old son Easton Lowery were throwing sticks into Newnans Lake in Gainesville on Saturday. They were playing with their two dogs, Beignet and Blue.
Dent was talking with a neighbor when she heard Easton scream. She said she saw one dog, Beignet, struggling in an alligator’s mouth.
Dent said she tried pulling the dog free, but the alligator pulled it under. The nearly 2-year-old dog wasn’t seen again.
Easton said he saw the alligator “pop up” out of the water. He said he felt lucky that he wasn’t bitten, though he lost a dog he called his “best friend.”
Dent said she reported the incident to Florida wildlife officials.