Ditch USA or face North Korea’s wrath: Kim’s terrifying World War 3 threat to UN

Tensions between the rogue regime and Washington have almost reached boiling point after a series of successful missile tests and the detonation of what was claimed to be a hydrogen bomb on September 3.
US President Donald Trump has continued to spark fears of World War 3, after he failed to confirm that military action was off the table.
And now the hermit kingdom has issued a warning to the rest of the world, telling other countries they would only be safe from retaliation if they decided not to join the USA and Donald Trump in military action.
The shocking caution was discovered in a copy of North Korean Deputy UN Ambassador Kim In Ryong’s prepared remarks for a discussion on nuclear weapons by a UN General Assembly
NORTH Korea warned states at a United Nations meeting to ditch the United States or face fiery retaliation from Kim Jong Un’s nuclear arsenal as World War 3 fears continue to intensify.