US State Department Updates Cuba Warning

Less than a week after warning American travelers to not visit Cuba, the U.S. State Department has updated its travel warning to Cuba with slightly softer language that now urges travelers to “carefully consider the risks” of traveling to the Caribbean island.
This is the second update to the warning originally issued by the State Department on September 6
The first warning, issued before Irma hit Cuba, authorized the “voluntary departure of U.S. government employees and their family members due to Hurricane Irma.”
An update, released September 13, advised that “Large parts of the country, including many areas of the capital Havana, are without power and running water. Transportation is difficult and many roads remain impassable due to downed trees and power lines. While Cuban authorities are working to clear the debris, it will be several days before roads are fully open in Havana. Outside the capital, north central Cuba suffered severe damage and should be avoided until further notice.”
On Monday, September 18, the State Department dialed back the suggestion that travel “should be avoided” and is now cautioning travelers to “carefully consider the risks of travel to Cuba while Hurricane Irma recovery efforts are underway.”
“Major roads are now open in Havana and power and water service has been restored in most of the city, but some parts of the country may be without power and running water,” read the most recent warning, which also continues to advise against travel to North Central Cuba.
The warnings come just as the State Department is considering closing its Embassy in Cuba altogether after an estimated 21 American officials in Cuba have reported suffering physical symptoms as a result of alleged attacks via sound waves or a “sonic boom.”
The physical symptoms vary, but some have reported suffering from concussions, permanent hearing loss, headaches, nausea as well as other permanent damage.
The attacks, which are believed to have started last August, have also reportedly affected five Canadian diplomats. The incident remains under investigation although Cuba has denied any involvement.