Suicide Prevention Resources

If you are in an immediate medical crisis, call 911 or visit your local Emergency facility.
By Phone
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – (800) 273-8255 (TALK) – open 24/7/365 or
From any US Air Force or US Army installation in Europe – dial 118 or
Dial 00800-1273-TALK (8255) for a commercial toll-free line in Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom
Press “1” for Military (Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, and Veterans)
When you call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, you are calling the crisis center in the Lifeline network closest to your location. After you call, you will hear a message saying you have reached the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You will hear hold music while your call is being routed. You will be helped by a skilled, trained crisis worker who will listen to your problems and will tell you about mental health services in your area. Your call is confidential and free.
Real Warriors (Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health &TBI) – (866) 966-1020 – Open 24/7/365
Vets4Warriors – (855) 838-8255 – Open 24/7/365
Free service provided by the DoD to service members and their families to connect them with a Veteran peer who has been in similar situations, understand the problems unique to military life, can help problem solve, and knows your benefits and resources.
Coast Guard – CG SUPRT – (855) 247-8788 – Open 24/7/365
Available for the following members of Team Coast Guard: Active Duty members and their dependents, select reservist and their dependents, full-time civil service employees and their dependents, full-time exchange system and MWR employees and their dependents.
CG SUPRT’s purpose is to assist CG employees with a wide range of mental health and other life concerns, such as depression, relationship issues, and work stress, which may impact their ability to perform on the job and/or the family.
Navy Chaplain Support – (855) 628-9311 (NAVY-311) – Open 24/7/365
Available for Active and Reserve Sailors, Marines, Coast Guardsmen and their family members.
Vet2Vet Veterans Crisis Hotline – (877) VET2VET (838-2838) – Open 24/7/365
This a toll-free line targeted to the population of returning armed forces men and women and veterans from previous conflicts and wars. This “life” line is a confidential connection which plans to utilize trained peer veterans ready to provide hope and help.
National Hopeline Network (800) 442-4673 (HOPE)
Send a text message to “838255” to receive support from specially trained professionals (for Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, and Veterans)
Mobile Apps for your Smartphone
Free download in the Apple App Store and Google Play (MY3 – Support Network) for your mobile device. Learn more about how to use this app at MY3 is a mobile app that allows you to create your support system, build your safety plan, access important resources, get support at times of greatest risk, and access the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7.
Real Warriors
Free download in the Apple App Store (not available on Google Play yet) for your mobile device. Created for warriors, veterans and military families. Users can upload photos to the Wall, salute others and access 24/7 resources.
Stay Alive
Free download in the Apple App Store and Google Play.
This app is a pocket suicide prevention resource, packed full of useful information to help you stay safe. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide. In addition to the resources, the app includes a safety plan, customizable reasons for living, and a life box where you can store photos that are important to you.
Operation Reach Out
Free download in Apple App Store (not available on Google Play yet) for your mobile device.
This app is aimed at veterans and military families. The app is intended to provide support for people having suicidal thoughts as well as friends, family or service members concerned that someone they know might be considering suicide. The app comes with numerous video vignettes offering suicide counseling, dos and don’ts when reaching out to a potentially suicidal loved one and a help center with suicide hotlines and other resources.
Sexual Harassment and Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) WeCare app
Free download in the App Store and Google Play. Only available for the following installations at this time: Fort Benning, Fort Leonard Wood, Fort Sill, Fort Gordon, and Fort Bliss. Search for “WeCare app, <installation name>” in your app store.
This mobile app supplies users with hotline numbers, links and manuals to aid in seeking support during a difficult time whether it is a suicidal situation or case of sexual assault. To find out more about this app, please visit:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Military Crisis Line
Veterans Crisis Line
Real Warriors
Coast Guard – CG SUPRT
Navy – Navy 311 Chaplain Support
Military One Source – Crisis and Prevention
United States Army Public Health Command – Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
The National Council for Suicide Prevention
Stop Solider Suicide
Defense Suicide Prevention Office
Vet2Vet – Veterans Helping Veterans
National Hopeline Network
IAVA (Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America) Combating Suicide
Online Chat
Military Crisis Line Chat
Veterans Crisis Line Chat
Real Warriors Live Chat
Vets4Warriors Live Chat
IMAlive Live Chat
To read more, please visit: