Getting Ready for Jackson Hole with Evo

When preparing for our Jackson Hole trip last March, I had no idea where to start. I'm a Georgia native, and was trekking to frigid, snowy, beautiful Jackson Hole. Snow in Georgia consists of an inch every couple of years, so I needed to learn about layering, and quick.
I combed the internet, putting various pieces of cold weather gear into different shopping carts, only to never buy them. My trip was quickly approaching, so I reached out to Evo. Evo is an outdoors store that covers just about every adventure or climate you can think of. On the site, you can select exactly what you are looking for from the drop down menu.
Their blog and representatives were extremely helpful in picking the perfect layers for myself and travel partner. We were set up with Patagonia base layers, Northface midlayer jackets and Northface shell layers. I learned that those are the key things you need, beside great gloves, hats and boots.
The first layer is an insulation, thermal layer. The middle is composed of fabrics that are a bit thicker, and the shell provides water protection. My Northface pants served as my middle and shell.
Evo's vast selection and helpful reps teach the importance of being prepared in all climates. Layering also means you can add and take away pieces for optimal comfort. It gets surprisingly hot when skiing midday!
I like the "one stop shop" concept, and I also like that Evo "gives back" through various donations and local charities through there Northwest US locations. Nothing allures me to a company like good values.
So if you are considering any type of outdoor adventure, whether it be this summer or in the winter, simply click on the drop down menu and start exploring. Evo's straight forward, experience based blogs can be a fantastic tool too.