V-WISE Innovation Cup 2017

Have a great product, service, crazy innovation or business idea?
The Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University and Smart & Sexy invite you to join the V-WISE Innovation Cup competition. It’s your chance to win $15,000!
If you are a female veteran or military spouse, hone your idea pitch and present in 90 seconds or less at our V-WISE Conference in Louisville, August 11-13, 2017.
The Innovation Cup is sponsored by Smart & Sexy, whose brand mission supports women’s charities and organizations with the sale of their high-quality garments. Learn more below.
Click here to enter the competition, you must submit an executive summary and a video of yourself pitching your concept by 11:59 p.m., June 30, 2017.
Apply Now
To read more, please visit: https://ivmf.syracuse.edu/veteran-and-family-resources/v-wis...