Ask a Prepper: 10 Survival Tricks You Did Not Think Of

#1. Hide valuables
You may want to bury valuables somewhere on your property. You obviously want to remember exactly where the spot is but of course you do not want to write it down or leave any marks or clues. You can create a reminder so that only you and your companions know the exact location easily. Take a photo of your companions standing on the spot where you’re supposed to dig. Make copies of the photo and have everyone keep it in their wallets and bug out bags. No one will ever know or be able to guess the true purpose of those photos. Unless they just read this article.
#2. Get Fit
Bad situations always bring out the worst in people. You will probably need to fight one or more attackers one on one eventually. To save your life you must be able to outperform others. You never know if you may need to carry an injured loved one to safety. All of these tasks will require strength, flexibility, speed, and stamina. It’s very easy to improve all of them. The hardest part is simply getting started. I am used to walking far distances, thanks Army, but I always try to find excuses to disappear and spend an hour or two a day in the gym. Jogging, hiking, and going to the gym will all improve your physical fitness. I suggest, if starting, that you focus on body-weight exercises such as sit-ups, push-ups, and pull-ups.
#3. Move Out Of The City
What always happens during riots is that the cities downtown area turns into a war zone. That’s why it’s the last place you want to live. You won’t be able to get in and you won’t be able to get out meaning you might get stuck inside for days, maybe even weeks. Even worse, you could get attacked and injured trying to get home.
You can find cheaper housing in the suburbs. You definitely have to be careful about the location so you can avoid high-crime neighborhoods. You want to be safe before and after a riot, not only during, when rioters who also live in the suburbs decide to take justice into their own hands. You will also want to plan a quick way out of the city if you need to go. Check this ultimate bug out home for just $250.
#4. Smart Way To Rotate Your Food Stockpile
If you stockpile some of your food under your bed, there’s an easy little trick to keep it rotating. Always deposit cans on one side of the bed and remove them from the other side. This process will push older cans through and cause you to take the oldest can when you want to use one. This way your food will most likely never go bad and end up sitting in the same spot for years. You can rearrange your shelves for this process as well. Here are the 10 long shelf-life canned foods every prepper should consider stockpiling.
#5. Clean Your Teeth With Baking Soda
After a disaster maintaining good personal hygiene is going to be tough. This tip is for the most basic: dental hygiene. Keeping your teeth healthy is fortunately going to be easy. The simple solution is baking soda and water. Just mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of water until they start to form a paste. That’s literally all you have to do. Now dip your toothbrush inside and get to work! Here’s a complete list of baking soda – 112 uses (WWII series).
#6. Trees/Plants
Most vegetation can be useful in some way, whether it is edible or you can make something from it. Just be careful and start learning about your local plant life to be able to recognize what is safe and what is poisonous.
White birch is one example of a useful tree:
Drinkable sap that does not require purification
Bark is great at starting fires
Tar can be extracted from the bark which makes a excellent adhesive
American Basswood:
Fibers can be used to make very strong rope
Edible leaves and inner bark
Related: 10 Trees Every Survivalist Should Know and Why
#7. Escaping
You never know what can happen so you should learn and teach those around you some basic military SERE skills. SERE stands for survival, evasion, resistance, escape. If you are escaping or evading remember that it is best to rest and hide during the day to avoid detection and to stay out the heat. You need to save your energy! So observe, eat, hydrate, and plan your next move during the day and start moving at sunset. You can learn more by reading the Army Ranger Handbook.
#8. Security
Western nations following a collapse will be looking at a life a lot like current day third world countries. Several of these countries are crawling with armed gangs, militants, and citizens fed up with crime. Some start forming community watch groups and security forces in an effort to fight back and protect their communities and children. Purchase security items that will help protect you and your companions. Bulletproof vests are currently legal to purchase and will enhance your ability to survive if there is a gun fight. Razor wire can be very useful for protecting your bunker or compound from threats. You can’t set it up now because if someone gets hurt you will be responsible. Just have it ready for whenever SHTF.
Purchase the equipment you need to be able to refill your ammo. Practice and teach everyone around you how to be proficient at this. Eventually when everyone runs out of bullets you will still have the upper hand. Or you can trade for other supplies you may need. So, make sure to stockpile weapons, ammo, and the necessary to reload bullets. It probably will save your life.
#9. Opsec
In the military, we are regularly briefed about anything and everything, whether it is stupid or of utmost importance. Well one topic that always stuck with me is Opsec, it stands for operations security. You can look up the long definition but I will give you the basic meaning. Don’t say where, who, when, or why. Do not tell anyone anything that they do not need to know including friends or family members. You never know who will let something slip that could compromise your plans and security.
#10. Plan/Backup Plan
This maybe last on my list but it might just be the most important advice I can give you. Do all of you reading this have a plan to reach your family or companions in case disaster strikes? What if you’re at work? When SHTF it won’t wait for you; make sure everyone knows where to meet, how to get in contact, and the approximate time it will take. Don’t store all of your supplies in one location, even if you have a super secure bunker. What happens if someone finds it and you need to escape? All the years of prepping fall into someone else’s hands and you are left with nothing. You never know what might happen so come up with a backup plan to your plan. And then another backup plan to your backup plan.
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