Making More Travel Possible

Most people love to travel, but find that it isn't feasible to take as many trips as they'd like. I love travel so much that I am working to make a career out of it, but it's certainly a ton of work and isn't the relaxed job most think it is. It takes planning, coordinating, pitching, photography, lots of writing, editing and constant documenting.
When I travel, it's non stop running, because I have a small window to fit a ton of stuff in, so I'll have plenty of content for the time period that I am not traveling. I take more trips than the average person, but can't travel constantly because it still costs money!
If you aren't interested in getting into the travel writing biz, I have some tips that make an extra trip here and there a bit easier.
I'm very serious. You have to evaluate if you'd enjoy a night out on the town or a Caribbean cruise more...I'll take the cruise. My husband and I spend our non traveling nights on the couch, munching on sandwiches and binge watching Game of Thrones or Twin Peaks. But we enjoy this Lifestyle. We get so excited about our trips and are more than okay with having fun at home in the mean time.
We do go out every now and then, but we just don't go too crazy. Chick-fil-A and a movie sums up our typical date night.
Don't Blow Money on Fancy Groceries
Just by walking into Walmart, I know I'm going to come out with at least 50 bucks worth of stuff. Not because I'm a shopaholic, but because we are always going to need something. But I do tend to get lured into the web of the newest food trends. Goji berries are super popular now, but have you seen the price?
I can always justify buying food! But lately I've banned trendy, expensive food items from my cart, and it hasn't been easy. I focus on the basics; you know, like produce, grains, and proteins? I'll buy blueberries on sale and skip goji berries. We don't buy the individual oatmeal convenience cups, just the big container that you have to flavor yourself. And when we have all of our basic staples, I steer far, far away from the store. It's a money sucking vortex.
Avoid Fashion Trends
Right now, those adorable peekaboo sleeve shirts are popular, and I love them so. But I have plenty of clothes that are in good condition and I refuse to fall into the consumer trap. We are made to believe we have to constantly buy new clothes. As much as I love cute outfits, I have decide what I want more. But that doesn't mean I never ever get a new wardrobe addition, I just don't go on shopping sprees. If I have to buy clothes because mine are wearing out, I buy super basic stuff that will go with that one special piece I find along the way.
Have a Separate Account
I know if I leave money floating in my everyday account, I could spend it. Most banks will let you open up different sections within one account. My husband and I have several extra sections; one for medical expenses, one for taxes, and one for travel of course!
Prioritize Trip Activities
Put things in a prioritized list before you travel. Is there a tour you want to take, a famous restaurant you have to try? Put all of those things down, then come up with days you could possibly make sandwiches instead of eating out. Look up free activities and transportation methods. Come up with super cheap, yet authentic places to eat. I can't count the times we've overpaid for food we really didn't want because we weren't prepared. Only splurge on the stuff that makes sense.
Rewards Programs
Stick with the companies you love, it will pay off. Don't jump ship from the airline you've flown with for years because you can save 30 dollars on another. Miles do add up and can be used for hefty discounts, and eventually free flights.
Hotels offer loyalty programs too. Select companies that are all around the best, and stay with them. However, significant changes can occur every now and then. I would then switch companies if the change had a long term impact.
Hopefully these extra tips will at least send you on one extra vacation, even it's a weekend getaway. If it's truly your desire, make it a priority.