5 stress relieving tips you can try at home

Today’s post is from guest contributor Helen Sanders, chief editor at HealthAmbition.com.
“Health Ambition’s goal is to provide easy-to-understand health and nutrition advice that makes a real impact. We pride ourselves on making sure our actionable advice can be followed by regular people with busy lives.”
Thank you, Helen!
Each and every one of us will experience stress at some point in our lifetime.
Acute stress is normal following a hugely stressful situation, such as a trauma or natural disaster. However, stress can be more intense for some of us and can sometimes lead to a chronic condition that seriously affects both your physical and mental health.
Lowering your stress levels is very important, and thankfully there are a number of natural ways you can do so.
Here are 5 stress relieving tips you can try at home.
#1 – Try essential oils
The use of essential oils has become more popular in recent years in Western society, mainly because they help relieve such a wide variety of ailments.
The right essential oils can help manage pain, lift mood and relieve stress or anxiety.
There are a number of ways you can use essential oils, including:
Placing a few drops onto a cotton pad and tucking it into a pocket.
Using a few drops in the bath or base of the shower.
Using an essential oil diffuser in your living or work space.
Using a carrier oil (such as coconut oil) with your favorite essential oil and massaging it into your skin.
Essential oils that are particularly good at relieving stress include:
Ylang Ylang
#2 – Take a yoga class
Exercise is a great natural stress reliever. Whether it’s a gentle walk with your dog in the fresh air or a hardcore fitness class, nothing helps to lift your spirits and take your mind off stressful situations more than getting moving.
But if hitting the treadmill isn’t your thing, you may want to get out a mat and give yoga a try instead.
Yoga is all about promoting that mind-body connection. It encourages stretching and controlled breathing that promotes relaxation and stress relief.
You can try a group class or, if you’re nervous to try it for the first time in a room full of strangers, there are thousands of free online videos available that will guide you through a beginner session with a qualified instructor. You can get the full yoga experience in the comfort of your living room!
#3 – Practice meditation or mindfulness
Meditation only takes around 15 to 30 minutes a day, making it achievable even for the busiest of schedules. It is also incredibly affordable considering the only tools you need are silence and your own mind!
Give yourself some quiet time each day to allow your mind to wander while you focus on your breathing. That small amount of peace daily can help you deal with even the most stressful of situations.
#4 – Have a massage
We all know how great it feels to get a massage. According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), over 39 million Americans have experienced at least one massage.
This shows just how popular massage therapy is, and almost nothing beats it as a natural stress reliever.
Massage can help you get a better night’s sleep, boost energy and increase concentration. Plus, you don’t need to go to your local massage therapist to reap the rewards—you can do so with your own fair hands.
Giving yourself a head massage while washing your hair is a great way to relieve stress. Or, get someone you love to treat you to a good back or foot rub.
To read more, please visit: http://frugalnurse.com/2017/05/5-stress-relieving-tips/...