Announcement: Military Area Guide Radio & Geeks and Gamers powered by XATABEATS!!!

Military Area Guide Radio powered by XATABEATS is teaming up with the Geeks and Gamers community to bring the Military Area Guide family more exciting content and family friendly quality program on the radio side beginning May 24th (time slot TBA). This show will feature topics related to games, comics, movies, and so much more for a two-hour action-packed show loaded with frills, thrills and comedy Geeks and Gamers Director of Development for, Chris Kiku Kubiak, Editor-in-chief for, Jonathan Youngblood, and writer/contributor for, Chris Clow! They will also have a rotating seat for different guest spots each week.
This exciting adventure with Geeks and Gamers on the Military Area Guide Radio platform will give our active duty military, vet, and civilians "geek" audience a larger voice in the Military Area Guide Community. The show, called "Geek Pulse Weekly", will air once a week for two hours on XATABEATS and a video version of the show will be uploaded to the Geeks + Gamers YouTube channel and will also be made available in podcast form!
Advertising opportunities are available for this prime quality show, but the slots are limited. If you are interested in a radio spot during this show or hosting your own show on Military Area Guide radio Platform, please contact the Military Area Guide marketing team at, or call LaShon Smith at 706.438.2148 and leave a message.