Mother's Day: More millennials live with parents than a spouse

Despite an improving economy and slow expansion of jobs under the Trump administration, the plight of millennials has crossed another depressing line: More are now living with their parents than a spouse.
Pollster Scott Rasmussen reveals in his new book that one-third percent of them live with mom and dad. Another 27 percent are married. In 1975, 57 percent of young adults lived with their spouse.
"That's a dramatic change from 1975, when 57 percent lived with a spouse and 26 percent lived in their parents' home. Much has been made of the growing number of young adults living with their parents, but, in reality, it's the changes in marriage norms that reflect the greater difference," according to Rasmussen.
"While less than 1 percent of young adults lived unmarried with a partner in 1975, 12 percent of them do so today. Also, the number living in 'Other' arrangements has nearly doubled, shooting up from 11 percent to 21 percent during that same time frame," he added. The digital version of his book is being released Monday.
In Politics Has Failed: America Will Not, he writes, "These trends reflect a deferral in marriage, but not a rejection of it. The Census Bureau reports that 'young adults are still starting relationships at the same age that their parents did, but they are trading marriage for cohabitation.'"
Pew Research Center data shows a significantly higher percentage of millennials live at home as compared with the earlier Generation X and that they are also moving "significantly less often" than Gen X-ers. According to Census data, 91 percent reported that they lived at the same address one year earlier.
"This does not preclude the possibility that the young adult moved out and 'boomeranged' back," Pew said.
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