Bobby Henline Names First Pup for Retrieving Freedom - "Diesel"

Bobby Henline. The Well-Done Comedian. Prankster. Social Media Guru. Airborne. 4-Tour Iraqi War Veteran. Burn Survivor. Humble and Kind.
He keeps GIVING BACK. An earlier article I published on his Burnaversary (10 Year Alive Day) described his mission of donating to Retrieving Freedom, the organization where he got his service dog, Daisy. Included in his mission was naming five service dogs - four in honor of the brave soldiers with him who were killed in action, Zaganiyah, Iraq April 7th 07, and one in honor of my son, Brian.
He is pictured above with the beautiful pup he named Diesel, in honor of Rodney McCandless, and Diesel's foster family, The Epley's. The Epley's will foster him until he gets big enough to start being trained.
Below is Bobby's Facebook post from 5/5/17. See that smile on Bobby's face? That smile says it all - Love for my fellow man. I am so proud of him.
"My heart glowed and my eyes filled with tears yesterday when the first puppy at Retrieving Freedom was official named in Honor of one of my Angels. Meet Robert aka "Nort" and Anna Epley they are the proud new foster parents of the dog now known as Diesel for Rodney McCandless.
5/73rd Cavalry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division KIA in Zaganiyah, Iraq April 7th 07 RIP brother your service will continue through Diesel. Diesel will make a great service dog as you did as a solider. #RetrievingFreedom #bravo748 #trulyblessed #gotburns #welldonecomedian"
Rodney McCandless, RIP. You will never be forgotten.
Bobby Henline is a Comedian and Motivational Speaker with Bravo748 Military and Combat Speaker Consortium. If you are interested in having Bobby speak at your event, contact I promise you won't be disappointed.
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