Military provides honor guard, assists Rodgers family

BLOOMINGTON — The military honor guard at Central Illinois Regional Airport when Army Sgt. Josh Rodgers returned home Friday was the most visible military presence in the past two days, but not the only one.
A fellow Army Ranger in Afghanistan was assigned to escort Rodgers' remains from Afghanistan to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. There, another Army Ranger was assigned to him.
“That Ranger stays with the fallen Ranger until he is buried,” explained Tracy Bailey, a public information officer with the 75th Ranger Regiment.
A liaison officer, Staff Sgt. Mark Wells, also was assigned to assist the family.
Major Bradley Kattelmann, a chaplain, took part in services at the airport, Eastview Christian Church and Evergreen Cemetery.
In addition, a command sergeant major and Col. Tom Goldner, a deputy commander, were present. Goldner spoke at Saturday's celebration of life service at the church.
At least two members of the honor guard stood by the flag-draped casket throughout the public visitation, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday.
Rodgers was a member of 2nd Platoon, C Company, 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, and was deployed three times to Afghanistan. He was a gun team leader and a Ranger fire team leader.