Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 Aug 21

Due to the expected high volume of requests for the Google Map for the 2017 August 21 eclipse, the map is temporarily moved to the NASA Eclipse 2017 site maps page
An excellent source for weather prospects for upcoming eclipses is meteorologist Jay Anderson's Eclipse Weather Page. ↩
Links for the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 Aug 21
Orthographic Map
Google Map
Animated Map
Path Table
Besselian Elements Table
Saros 145 Table
Eclipse Predictions
Predictions for the Total Solar Eclipse of 2017 Aug 21 were generated using the JPL DE405 solar and lunar ephemerides and a value of ΔT = 68.4 seconds.
The eclipse predictions presented here DO NOT include the effects of mountains and valleys along the edge of the Moon. Such corrections for the lunar limb profile may shift the limits of the eclipse path north or south by ~1-3 kilometers, and change the eclipse duration by ~1-3 seconds.
All eclipse calculations are by Fred Espenak, and he assumes full responsibility for their accuracy. Permission is freely granted to reproduce this data when accompanied by an acknowledgment:
"Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC"
For more information, see: NASA Copyright Information
More Solar Eclipse Links
Decade Tables of Solar Eclipse :
| 1901 - 1910 | 1911 - 1919 | 1921 - 1930 | 1931 - 1940 | 1941 - 1950 |
| 1951 - 1960 | 1961 - 1970 | 1971 - 1980 | 1981 - 1990 | 1991 - 2000 |
| 2001 - 2010 | 2011 - 2020 | 2021 - 2030 | 2031 - 2040 | 2041 - 2050 |
| 2051 - 2060 | 2061 - 2070 | 2071 - 2080 | 2081 - 2090 | 2091 - 2100 |
World Atlas of Solar Eclipse Maps: Index Page
| 1901 - 1920 | 1921 - 1940 | 1941 - 1960 | 1961 - 1980 | 1981 - 2000 |
| 2001 - 2020 | 2021 - 2040 | 2041 - 2060 | 2061 - 2080 | 2081 - 2100 |
Javascript Solar Eclipse Explorer - calculate all solar eclipses visible from a city
Solar Eclipse Search Engine - search for solar eclipses from -1999 to + 3000
Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses: -1999 to +3000 - NASA Technical Publication
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