Fort Bliss team wins 2017 Gainey Cup competition

FORT BENNING, GA (WTVM) – The six Soldier team from 1st Squadron, 1st Cavalry Regiment from Fort Bliss are the winners of the 2017 William J. (Joe) Gainey Cup.
The team is comprised of Staff Sgt. Eric Atkinson, Sgt. Zachary Diglio, Sgt. Joseph Main, Pfc. Timothy Wood, Pfc. Ryan French and Pvt. Jeremy Blevins.
The competition was hosted by the 316th Cavalry Brigade and Cavalry Scout Squads from across the Army formed six-man teams to compete for the title of Best Scout Team.
Units participating this year included the 82nd Airborne Division, the Nevada Army National Guard, the 25th Infantry Division, the 10th Mountain Division, 1st Cavalry Division, and Canada, among others.
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