Veterans for Child Rescue

Our VIPR Team (Veterans Investigating Pedophile Rings) come from the highest levels of Military Special Operations, Federal Law Enforcement, International Counter-Poaching Operations, The Intelligence Community, The Diplomatic Community and Film & Television. Together, we can work with federal and local law enforcement to help arrest these predators and liberate the child victims. We'll share the shocking events through an unflinching television docu-series, which tears the lid off this cesspool for all to see!
(501c3 status in the works)
Mission Statement:
The organization's primary objectives are to educate and increase public awareness, assist law enforcement and other legal entities to prevent and reduce pedophilia, human sex trafficking and child sexual abuse.
Additional Information:
This mission is accomplished by various ways including, but not limited to; raising public awareness by means of documentary television series, acting as a clearing house providing intelligence and other data to law enforcement, conducting seminars and other training to assist in the identification, prevention and detection of pedophilia, human sex trafficking and child sexual abuse.
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