Glee Gum: Better for the Family

Kids and adults alike love chewing gum and blowing bubbles. But gum typically has a synthetic base and artificial flavors, colors and sweeteners. These additives negatively impact our health in a number of ways.
Luckily, candy and gum are being created in more natural forms. Glee Gum is completely natural; even their sugar free variations are free of garbage.
Full of Good Stuff
Colors come from ingredients like beets and beta carotene, and the flavor you read on the package is the flavor you are getting. If the flavor is watermelon, you're chewing gum with actual watermelon in it, and if it's peppermint, then you are snacking on real peppermint. It's quite the notion.
Chicle, a tree sap sustainably harvested from Mexico, is what makes up the chewy base. Not only is it a million times better for our bodies, but the method of harvesting conserves the rainforest.
Being diabetic, I like to avoid even healthy sugar, like the natural cane sugar in glee Gum. But normal sugar free gum has awful aspartame. Glee uses an all natural sugar alcohol derived from beech wood, called Xylitol. It tastes great, much better than artificial sweeteners. I was thrilled when I tried it.
Giving Back
The sugar and cocoa in their gum is fair trade, making Glee the only fair trade gum, so far.
Glee is all about giving back and helps out many people and areas in need.
But is it good?
Yes! It's actually incredible. While being a slightly different consistency than regular gum, it's the stuff you grew up loving. They even have a bubble gum flavor which is naturally created with vanilla, cherry, strawberry and lemon. Tangerine, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Spearmint, Triple Berry, Sugar-Free Refresh-Mint, Sugar-Free Lemon-Lime, and Sugar-Free Wild Watermelon are the other offered flavors.
The initial flavor blast passes relatively quickly, but a moderate amount of flavor remains for a bit. The sugar free flavors tend to stick around longer, or maybe it's just me!
You can also get Glee lollipops (also amazing) and kits to make your own gum and other candies. It's a neat learning experience for the little ones. With summer on its ways, you'll need some great rainy day activities.
It is vital that we keep moving away from substances harmful to our families. Little changes, like switching to Glee Gum, is just another great way to do that.