Army to Deploy Nearly 6,000 Soldiers to Europe, Afghanistan

The U.S. Army announced Thursday the upcoming deployments of 5,700 soldiers to Europe as well as Afghanistan.
Beginning this fall, approximately 4,000 soldiers from the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas, will deploy to Europe in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve.
As part of the regular rotation of forces, the 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team will replace the 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division.
"The Dagger Brigade is looking forward to deploying back to Europe," Col. David Gardner, commander of 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, said in an Army press release.
"The brigade has served most of its 100-year history in support of our European allies and will arrive after a year of training ready to do so again."
The Army also announced Thursday that 1,500 soldiers from the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, will deploy this summer to Afghanistan in support of Operation Freedom's Sentinel.
"Since spearheading allied assaults in Sicily and Anzio in 1943, the Devil Brigade has accomplished its missions through disciplined initiative," said Col. Toby Magsig, commander of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division. "The same endures today. The 'Devils in Baggy Pants' are well-trained, well-equipped, and ready to assist our Afghan partners."
In addition to the 82nd's deployment, about 200 soldiers from the 3rd Infantry Division Headquarters, stationed at Fort Stewart, Georgia, will also deploy to Afghanistan in support of Freedom's Sentinel.
The 3rd Infantry Division Headquarters will replace 1st Cavalry Division Headquarters at Bagram Airfield as the U.S. Forces-Afghanistan's National Support Element.
"The Marne Division is trained and ready to deploy in support of this important mission," said Maj. Gen. James Rainey, commander of 3rd Infantry Division. "The number one priority at the 3rd Infantry Division is readiness, and I am confident our soldiers are ready to serve our nation's call."