MacDill first in AF to host Alpha Warrior tour

MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (AFNS) -- MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, hosted the Air Force’s first stop for the Air Force Alpha Warrior Tour, April 18-19, 2017.
The Air Force Services Activity partnered with the Alpha Warrior team to continue building Comprehensive Airman Fitness through the newly initiated Air Force Alpha Warrior program. The program incorporates the four domains of CAF – physical, mental, social and spiritual – to achieve readiness and resilience at home and while deployed. It is expected to also help the Air Force continue to grow and develop the world’s most formidable mobility Airmen.
“Eighteen battle rigs and 25 stations will roll out across 41 installations worldwide this fiscal year and will be at the core of the program,” said Jim Anderson, the chief of AFSVA’s business and recreation branch.
To kick off the tour, Brent Steffensen, Barclay Stockett and Colleen Mccormack, Alpha Warrior professionals and former contestants on NBC’s “American Ninja Warrior,” visited MacDill AFB for a base tour and to introduce the Alpha Warrior program to Airmen of MacDill AFB.
For their first glimpse at the MacDill AFB mission, the team visited the Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape unit, as well as the parachute riggers to receive insight into how units on base contribute to the Air Force’s mission.
Their second day was dedicated to a brief morning workout demonstrating simple “ninja” maneuvers. Later that morning, personnel were introduced to the “Battle Rig,” which is an obstacle course engineered to test the strength, endurance, and overall willpower of those willing to accept the challenge.
“We’re excited to be partnering with the Air Force,” said Steffensen. “You’re the first base to experience this specific rig.”
The Alpha Warrior professionals demonstrated each station in the Battle Rig before releasing everyone to try it for themselves. The pros held an unofficial competition for personnel unable to attend the official competition that afternoon.
For the main event, members of Team MacDill participated in the day’s official Battle Rig competition. Each competitor received five minutes to successfully complete the obstacle course and the top three fastest times received an award.
“This was an awesome event,” said Maj. Ken Corigliano, an officer assigned to U.S. Central Command and the first place recipient. “I want a lot more of these at our bases.”
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