Arrogance Is Ugly

Your looks, money, kind of car you drive and expensive attire that you spend most of your time thinking about is just you and "stuff." SURFACE is easy access and visibility. DEPTH is where the truth lives.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with loving yourself and exuding confidence when you know what you know and no one should be mad if you hold yourself to higher standards and won’t settle; especially when you have laid the foundation for a prosperous future.
There is a difference however; let me say it again, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between confidence and arrogance!
It is so ugly when I ride the elevator and see you look down on someone because you can tell the quality of their attire is not that of what you would call having a higher status. How is it that you can look at others from head to toe and turn your back towards them as though they are not there? You are so arrogant!
Dude, why is it that you are still so mad because she turned you and your Benz down? That was a few years ago when you stepped out of it waving money and telling her about what all you can do to and for her, but she declined your manipulative and superficial offer.
You’re mad still because you’re arrogant and you think you can have and do whatever you want because of your material possessions. There ARE some ladies who are just as materialistic and self-serving as you are. You just have to keep looking until you meet up; until then, get over yourself already!
Girlfriend! How long do you think your beauty will allow you to speak to him so callously and belittle everything he says or does, yet and still, you demand that he showers you daily with unnecessary ‘things’ and most of it you can provide for yourself? Well, that is... if you are not too pretty to go to work like normal people. Beauty fades.
To the Man who wants to control and dictate because you are a provider; She wants a husband not another daddy. Just because you’ve obtained a Master’s Degree in business or from the school of "hard knocks" doesn’t give you the authority to preach daily to her every move. You’re a turn-off and taking away the fun out of your marriage or relationship. She may look for that somewhere else. Close that door immediately!
Hey Mr. and Ms. Arrogant! Confidence is a belief that you can do something well and succeed. It is also a feeling that something good is going to happen, but with it should come humility and compassion. There should be a class for that!