Honor All Moms this Mother's Day

Being a mom is a ton of work, and it's a little sad to see a division among women in this prestigious role. Breast feeders against formula users, working moms against stay at home moms; why the controversy? Every mother has their own unique journey that should be honored on Mother's Day and every day.
To the Working or Stay at Home Mommy
Working mothers balance the tasks of bringing in an income and providing plenty of love to their little ones. They selflessly sacrifice precious time to make sure their child has the things they need. It's an incredible accomplishment.
Stay at home moms sacrifice their sanity and often social relationships. Going out for lunch means a date with your 3 year old at the nearest fast food joint with a playground. Days consist of cleaning messes that wouldn't be made if their child was in daycare. It's a mentally and physically exhausting task.
Regardless of the path a mother chooses, it's one that takes a great deal of strength and effort. There is no right or wrong, and women should be praising each other for their accomplishments in motherhood.
To the Breast Feeders and Formula Users
If you can breast feed your baby, it's a fantastic bonding experience that brings prime nutrition to their little body. But sometimes it doesn't work out, and that little one has to eat!
Mothers choose what is right based on what they think is best. So my deep respect goes to the mom that breast feeds and the mom that chooses to make sure their baby is getting the nutrients they need through formula.
To the Biological and Adoptive Moms
Carrying a child is an intimate, beautiful thing; and giving birth is likely one of the most difficult things that requires the strongest people.
But there are strong moms that perhaps didn't give birth, but chose a child that desperately needed their love. Perhaps this comes from a deep calling, or because they couldn't conceive themselves. It takes strength to overcome the emotional pain of infertility. But to take a child born to someone else and make them yours, loving them unconditionally, is a profoundly beautiful thing.
To All Moms
This Mother's Day, every single mother counts. Anyone that gives their love and care to a child is strong, commendable, beautiful and deserving of great things.
Let's take time to reflect on our moms, our own motherhood, or perhaps other mommys around us. Support each other, be kind, praise and know that mom's are completely incredible.