How Much is an Apology Worth?

Apparently $1.4 Billion! It wasn't until stocks dropped that United CEO (Oscar Munoz) issued what many consider a "real" apology.
Flashback 8 Months Prior to the Incident
Without a doubt the words spoken in this article seem genuine, heart felt, and provide insight to the standard of service and excellence Munoz will lead. But let us not forget that...
"Words Are Nothing More Than Intention Without Action"
Almost 8 months later we witness what results when companies put profit before people.
Overbooking is what airlines do to maximize their profits. Airlines along with their executive leadership know damn well that paying customers will be forced (sorry politely asked) to give up their seats but who cares? Its more important to keep the shareholders happy right?
To make matters worst, David Dao (the paying customer shown in the video) had to give up his seat to a United employee. So in addition to putting profits first, lets go ahead and put our employees before the customer as well.
Here is Munoz's communication to his staff:
Finally an Apology
After millions of views, worldwide attention, and a $1.4 Billion drop in market value an apology surfaces.
Its true! It is never too late to do the right thing and I'm relieved that Munoz is taking the incident seriously. But I can't help being disturbed by what it takes for some people/companies to do the right thing.
What Can We Learn From This?
For me it's as simple.. ALWAYS put the customer first. It's not the customer's fault airlines overbook to maximize their profits and its not our fault when it doesn't go according to plan.
According to Munoz common sense could have solved this issue, but I'm more interested in hearing what the customers have to say. Lets hear it Linkedin what do you have to say to the Airlines, Shareholders, and CEOs reading this right now?
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