Soldiers return to Fort Riley after 9 month deployment

FORT RILEY, Kan. (KSNT) – The first of 800 soldiers with the 1st Combat Aviation Brigade, 1st Infantry Division are returning to Fort Riley after a nine-month deployment in Afghanistan.
The “Demon” brigade deployed to Afghanistan in August 2016 as part of a regular rotation of forces in support of Operation Resolute Support and Operation Freedom’s Sentinel. They advised the NATO mission on air threats and provided security for distinguished visitors and members of Congress.
Commander of the 1st CAB Col. John Cyrulik, said he couldn’t be more proud of every member of Task Force Victory.
“We made a huge impact every day we were in Afghanistan,” Cyrulik said.
The “Demon” brigade conducted more than 700 operations during its deployment, reducing indirect fire and improvised explosive devices at six Coalition bases. Soldiers of the brigade flew nearly 200 medical evacuation missions, saving the lives of U.S., Coalition and Afghan forces.
Fort Riley said all members of the Demon brigade are expected to come back by the end of April.
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