The Truth Is...Sex Is Not Always A Bowl Of Roses

"Sex Sells" is a popular slogan, but the male buyer should beware. Television and Porn has a lot of what women desire and keeps us happy in physical intimacy completely wrong.
I know that most, if not all men believe they always know exactly what a woman wants in the bedroom and confidence is sexy, but don't let the melodramatic sounds fool you.
Many women have watched a few porn flicks in our lifetime as well as men and some still do! A lot of the noises and soft affirmations that men hear in their ear and even some of the X-rated glares you get, are learned behaviors. Women also aim to please and boosting your ego, we understand is a win-win.
It's almost the same as what men have learned from watching videos and looking at pornographic material. The problem is, those girls are paid to act as if they love getting flipped in a different position every 60 secs which could not be further from the truth. It takes a woman much longer to "get there" and each time a man decides to switch his mate into another form of acrobatics, a woman has to work even harder, mentally and physically, to get back to the point of "almost there."
The next truth is, a woman's reproductive parts are sensitive and fragile. It is not a feeling of pleasure to have those parts of the body handled in a forceful manner. If she's making those sounds that you think is her enjoyment at this point, you might want to use gentleness instead and save your energy. She's either in pain or faking it.
If your ego prevails and you want to believe that you know she loves the harsh activity regardless, then I guess you will continue in your self serving behavior and shame on you! Both men and women should openly communicate their likes and dislikes in the bedroom at some point when you know the relationship is growing more intimate.
A man wants a woman to be clean and smell like a woman should. A woman wants the same. It works both ways, to include fresh breath and clean feet.
Another thing is, a woman may oblige in multiple sessions at times but does not necessarily mean that she wants to. A lot of times she's really ready to roll over and go to sleep, but just trying to be a pleasing and willing partner. Men should not assume that she wants an all night party!
There are many questions on "Orgasms." Well, believe it or not, there are more women than not, who can't have multiple orgasms, in fact, consider yourself blessed if you have a woman who can! She is rare! Also sad but true, some women fake it every time because either he has never figured out how to get her "there" or she simply cannot "get there" with anyone, which can be that way for many reasons; some emotional issues and medications can also cause problems with orgasm, along with stress, being tired in general and in some cases, a medical condition.
In order to have a more mutual satisfying sex life with your partner, if he or she tells you something is not feeling good, set your ego aside and just do what does. There is nothing worse than being turned completely off right smack in the middle of the act! Speak up! There's nothing wrong with showing them what satisfies you!
MYTH: A man's genitals and what he does with it whips a woman into never wanting to be without him.
TRUTH: A woman is "whipped" by the "total package." The entire man and all the good that he brings to the relationship or marriage.