The Clean Up Woman

She's just waiting for the day to hear it. "They are no longer together." Everyone is not your friend but many are "frienemies." You know, it's the ones who really don't care for you but merely tolerate you for some reason that makes it necessary.
They may work with you, attend the same church or even be an extended member of the family. In these instances, they usually have to find a way to be cordial, as contact is inevitable.
It is true for women that most of us have a very small circle of friends, TRUE friends that is. The main reason is we get exhausted from the childlike competition, which is sometimes constant, especially for those who believe they have something to prove to another. It starts with who is prettier or who has the better physique, home, car, oh! and yes MAN, if you both even have one of those! With the ratio of men to women now days, some women have low self-esteem, feelings of inferiority, desperate to have a man around and longing for someone to love.
Some will, a lot of times, stoop to the lowest of the lows to get their desires fulfilled, even if it means getting a "Big Momma Beat Down!" I laughed to myself as I wrote that but it's true! It is already known that women don't play! Do not mess with our children and don't mess with our man! R.E.S.P.E.C.T that's our national anthem to those women who over step their boundaries.
No! He doesn't need you as a "bestie!" Go find you a female "bestie." You don't have any business calling his phone, texting him, mothering him, telling him how good he smells, bringing him cough syrup and orange juice when he's not feeling well, bringing him lunch or donuts in the morning, loaning or giving him money, (you really look desperate doing that especially), listening to his problems and the list goes on. For those of you who are naive and/or too trusting, this chick-a-dee is so good with her game that she probably tried to talk you out of being with him from the start, yet he's good enough to be her friend and confidant some time later on down the road?
This is where I throw you a couple of red flags! She's watching your relationship like a hawk. She studies his moods, facial expressions and body language. She shares personal stories with him, which allows him to also open up to her. She gets so comfortable that she actually thinks she knows him! It's gone way too far when she gets to the point of actually making inquiries on the status of his relationship and your man is not going to even notice. He's too caught up in the attention, even if he would never give her a second look in regards to attraction. Men love to be taken care of and having a woman to listen and empathize with his issues is comforting to him and makes him feel important.
Oh! and in case you also didn't notice, "The Clean Up Woman" is usually not at all "his type," has very low self esteem, weighs a few extra pounds (so do a lot of us! Lol) has been used by men over and over, buys love, has to have a man at all times, has been cheated on but stayed, beat on or verbally abused, lonely, desperate, A "YES gir,l" manipulative, sneaky, and also nosey and prodding. Open your eyes!!!