Relationship Rebound Status Blocked!

We all know how the relationship break up goes. It happens, you are left alone and then the process of picking up the pieces starts all over again. Sleepless nights, long days and overall loneliness can become all consuming if you allow it to. Eventually someone will notice that you are yet again "up for grabs" and soon enough the knock on the door comes.
Most people will snatch up or allow in the first person that comes along and out of vulnerability, will prematurely usher in a new commitment too fast. This includes 24/7 long winded deep conversation and hanging out frequently.
Some say this is okay because its best to be friends first, but here are two things: If you have not too long ago broken up with someone, why are you already even thinking this thought so soon? Next thing: We all know that the more we bite into a tender cooked steak, we are most certainly going to finish it and now this so called friends first thing is quickly out the door and on to the next level.
The problem: If you are still at a stage that you cannot stand the thought of seeing your ex with someone else, you are still finding reasons to stay in regular contact and the very thought of them consumes you at various intervals of the day, then you are in a rebound status and your current playmate is going to get the short end of the stick.
People should be honest with themselves and the new people they are inviting in. No one wants to be another person's option or selected based on unresolved irrational or needy emotions.
All in all, sometimes GOD has us in a place of self discovery and also a place of inviting us to get to know HIM better. We can't do that if we are too quickly latching on to something to feed our flesh.
I believe that when we look to GOD, HE gets our hearts and minds right, and that is when HE sends that specific person with purpose! if only we will wait just long enough to allow HIM to!