Man starts GoFundMe page to buy $15G engagement ring

Beyonce famously said: "If you liked it, then you should have put a ring on it." Few people know that famous line was directed not at a man, but at his friends and family.
Or at least that's the lesson William Oliver apparently took away. The 30-year-old Atlanta man recently started a GoFundMe page to raise $15,000 to buy his girlfriend an engagement ring, Mashable reports.
Oliver says he was inspired to make a big show of his love for his girlfriend after she bought him 30 gifts for his 30th birthday.
So why then isn't he using his own money? Oliver says crowdfunding is a chance to "let everybody who loves us show us." That way he can buy a ring that "WE ALL can be proud of." Elite Daily, which rounds up a handful of the many incredulous Twitter reactions to Oliver's fundraising attempt, accuses him of taking "the easy way out" when it comes to saving up for a ring.
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