Editorial: Our top 5 priorities for the next Air Force secretary

By: Air Force Times editorial
President Trump’s nominee for Air Force secretary appeared March 30 before the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Heather Wilson, a former Republican congresswoman from New Mexico and Air Force Academy graduate, is the president of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology.
Despite coming under fire about her work for government nuclear labs, members of the committee generally voiced support for Wilson, signaling that she will ultimately be confirmed.
If confirmed, Wilson has a daunting task ahead of her as she takes the helm of an Air Force that is busy around the world, stretched by an aging fleet and critical shortfalls of key personnel, and plagued by morale and quality-of-life challenges.
If Wilson comes on board as Air Force secretary, here’s what should be at the top of her to-do list.
To read more, please visit: https://www.airforcetimes.com/articles/editorial-our-top-5-priorities-for-the-next-air-force-secreta...