Mattis Discusses U.S. Concerns About North Korean, Russian Actions

By Lisa Ferdinando
DoD News, Defense Media Activity
LONDON, March 31, 2017 — North Korea is moving in a "very reckless manner" with its nuclear and missile programs, while Russian activities in Afghanistan are also of concern to the United States, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said here today as he discussed cooperation and security concerns with his British counterpart.
The U.S. is working through the United Nations and with allies to address the North Korean nuclear and missile threat, Mattis said in a joint press conference with British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis shakes hands with British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon during an arrival ceremony at the Defense Ministry in London, March 31, 2017. DoD photo by Army Sgt. Amber I. Smith
"This is a threat of both rhetoric and growing capability and we will be working with the international community to address this," Mattis said.
The undertaking includes diplomatic moves with "those that we might be able to enlist in this effort to get North Korea under control," according to the secretary, who was on his first trip to the United Kingdom as defense secretary.
"Right now, it appears to be going in a very reckless manner in what its conduct is portraying for the future," Mattis said of North Korea’s government. "That's got to be stopped."
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